Diversity and Inclusion

We're committed to developing a platform which prevents bias through technology. We believe this is critical to build, nurture, and maintain our diverse and inclusive community.

Effective: January 29, 2021

Tenancy Ltd. offers a platform, through its website having the domain www.tenancy.ca (the “Site”) and its mobile application (the “App”) (collectively, the “Software”), whereby tenants, landlords, property managers, and other users are able to list, share, and find residential tenancy listings and users are able to use various tools to property manage existing residential tenancies. It is Tenancy Ltd.’s mission to promote inclusivity and fairness throughout its Software.

Tenancy Ltd. is committed to providing its users with an inclusive experience. The Software is open to users of every race, colour, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, and marital status. We expect all users to demonstrate respect and tolerance in all interactions with other users—both online and off-line—and we reserve the right to remove anyone from our marketplace who fails to abide by these principles.


Tenancy Ltd. makes every effort to ensure that its Software is inclusive and open to all, here are some notable examples of the steps taken by Tenancy Ltd. to promote inclusivity, which can be found on its Site or App:

a) Tenancy Ltd. prevents users from displaying their gender, sex, or nationality on their user profiles, to ensure that each user is treated equally and fairly.

b) Tenancy Ltd. consistently browses its Software to remove inflammatory, derogatory, and prejudicial comments and remarks made by users of the Software. Tenancy Ltd. takes appropriate steps to deal with any such users, which include suspension of user accounts or termination of user accounts.

c) Tenancy Ltd. reserves the right to terminate user accounts that are found to be acting contrary to the terms of this Anti-Discrimination and Inclusion Policy.

d) Tenancy Ltd. offers a complaint function and customer service line for users to report other users that may be violating the terms of this Anti-Discrimination and Inclusion Policy.


Tenancy Ltd. encourages all of its users to comply with the following guidelines when using its Software, in an effort to promote inclusivity and fairness, and to protect the wellbeing of other users of the Software:

a) Users shall not engage in conduct whether through the use of its Software, or interactions through other means such as telephone, videoconference, or in-person meetings which unfairly targets other users based upon their race, colour, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, and marital status.

b) Users shall not promote hate messages and propaganda on the Software where they are asked to provide feedback, comments, and reviews, or anywhere else on the Software.

c) Users are encouraged to review human rights legislations in their jurisdiction in relation to residential tenancies. 

d) Users shall take all other steps as reasonably necessary to maintain an inclusive and open platform for all users, whether they are tenants, landlords, property managers, or others.


Tenancy Ltd. encourages all of its tenant users to comply with the following guidelines when using its Software, in an effort to promote inclusivity and fairness, and to protect the wellbeing of other users of the Software: 

a) Tenants shall not deny potential residential tenancies on the basis of race, colour, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, and marital status of a landlord, property manager, or existing tenants. 

b) Tenants shall assist landlords and property managers insofar as possible in promoting an inclusive and open atmosphere in residential tenancies organized through the Software.


a) Tenancy Ltd. encourages landlords and property manager users to comply with the following guidelines when using its Software, in an effort to promote inclusivity and fairness, and to protect the wellbeing of other users of the Software: 

b) Landlords and property managers shall not indicate in residential property listings, whether directly or indirectly, any details which are prejudicial towards users’ race, colour, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, and marital status. 

c) Landlords and property managers shall not deny potential tenants on the basis of race, colour, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, and marital status of a tenant. 

d) Landlords and property managers shall provide accommodations insofar as possible when arranging tenancy agreements or conducting property management services through the use of the Software for users’ disabilities, religious requirements, diet requirements, medical needs, and other special needs. 

e) Landlords and property managers shall make best efforts to promote an open and inclusive atmosphere in residential properties which are listed through the Software, wherein people of all faiths, beliefs, sexual orientations, genders, disabilities, and other differentiators can live peacefully and free of any sorts of harassment.

Tenancy Ltd. continues to adapt to new and innovative ways of promoting inclusivity and reducing discrimination throughout its Software. Tenancy Ltd. may from time to time change the terms in this Diversity and Inclusion Policy to reflect its changing inclusivity protocol.

Tenancy Ltd. requests your feedback and comments regarding anti-discrimination on its Software, which may be provided by contacting Tenancy Ltd. at the following email address: support@tenancy.ca. Tenancy Ltd. acknowledges that achieving non-discrimination and inclusiveness on its Software is a continuing effort, which requires ongoing consideration from Tenancy Ltd. itself and its users and other stakeholders. Tenancy Ltd. strives to continue to make its Software and the residential tenancy and property management industries as a whole more inclusive, fair, and open to all.

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